Major Goals for the Function or Area
- Power outlets every 6 ft or approx.
- Conduit access vs. cables or other fixed medium for future changes
- Wireless access throughout, both internal and exterior areas
- Laptops to be available as well as fixed units small common area of fixed computers, but many small areas with computer access either via laptop or ???
- Filtering could be done by handing out wireless cards with present limits as to content
Critical Needs (must have):
- Appropriate infrastructure for now and easy access for future change
Less-Critical (would like to have):
- Charger units for laptops available at front desk for rent to use in any power outlet
- Magnetic strips on library cards to be used for computer access
- Availability of scanners/printers at a fee
- Charge for very high speed wireless vs. high speed training by Friends or outsiders to keep the public up to speed on the latest technology
Design Considerations:
- Conduit
- Wireless
- Extreme flexibility and do not do anything that is difficult or expensive to change as technology changes
- Power outlets everywhere including near seating areas for ease of use
Tom Littell, Joe Sand, Rashid, Mr. Wilson