2021 October Minutes

Minutes of the Friends of the Mission Hills-Hillcrest/ Knox Library

October 23, 2021

The meeting was held in the meeting room at the Mission Hills-Hillcrest/Harley and Bessie Knox Library. The meeting was called to order at 10:05 A.M. by Anne Box, President. An attendance list is at the end of the minutes.

Minutes: The minutes of the September meeting were approved as submitted.

Financials: Don Rudesill presented the financial report. In September, bookstore sales were $1800.44. Book cart sales were $108.15 and Amazon sales were $966.01. Total sales were $2,874.60. Membership and Contributor income was $105.00. Our total expenses were $406.62. Our total in all accounts is $147,066.71.

Membership: Nancy Carol Carter reported that memberships are trickling in. She presented information on using PayPal for members to charge their memberships. PayPal also offers the Zettle card reader for in person sales for $29.00. We agreed to review Zettle and to approve using PayPal for memberships.  

In addition to PayPal, we discussed using Square to process credit cards in the bookstore. The fees are 2.6 percent plus 10 cents per swipe. The upfront cost would be either $49.00 for a simple reader that would require using a tablet or computer, or $299.00 for a terminal that would be standalone.

We agreed to all review prices and discuss at the next meeting.

Website: Al Hoefer said that we are now using HTTPS for our website which adds security to the site. He also reported that our domain name cost is $48.99. This also includes Word Press and PDF embedder.

The subcommittee met and decided to move the word “donate” to the site menu.

Al said that PayPal will work on the site. There may be a fee for certain features.

Al needs information for November. The “Disco” sale (discounted discs) is on the site now.

Corporate Meeting: Anne Box attended the Corporate Friends meeting. She said that Corporate currently has less money than our branch. Anne emphasized that we need to spend our income. We agreed that we need a volunteer in charge of programs to organize events for the public now that we can have in person gatherings again. Jean Stein wants to help, but she does not want to chair. Volunteers are needed for this to co-ordinate with Steve.

Holly Murten suggested that we have a range of pricing for events. Steve Wheeler said that they are usually $200 to $300. Don suggested that we have a limit of $300, and organizers can ask for more if needed.

Anne said that Misty Jones will attend the next meeting to explain how matching funds donations are distributed. She will also discuss a trust fund.

A board position is open at Corporate for a volunteer.

Don asked about the availability of the bookstore at Corporate for donations. Anne will ask for any updates.

Fundraising/Book sales: Susan Shenven reported that she has researched a donated book by Coretta Scott King that is signed and inscribed. She contacted a local expert who said that it would be much more valuable with a dust jacket. He suggested that we buy a copy with a dust jacket in good condition that is of the same edition, then add the jacket to our copy. Then the copy we buy could also be sold. The cost could be $30 to $50, but the book would be worth a minimum of $250.00. Anne approved the purchase.

Michele Pieters said that we never got the shelving for the storeroom that was in the original plan. We are going to get it, but it will require assembly of the shelving and rearrangement of the storeroom. Pat Littell volunteered the help of her husband Tom to work with Don on assembly.

Michele said that we may get a donated computer for the back room to speed sorting. Also, one of our volunteers will download Word to our bookstore computer.

The bookstore will be closed the days the branch is closed, probably Thanksgiving and the day after, and the Friday and Saturday of Christmas and New Year’s.

Holly and Sue have been working on standards for donations. The main change is that we will accept text books for posting on Amazon.

Michele said that we have three new volunteers, the vacant Wednesday P.M. slot is now filled.

The “adopt a section” plan begins November 1. This involves each volunteer being responsible for one section of the bookstore. The volunteer will do shelf reading, pulling old books and keeping the books or materials lined up neatly on the shelves.

Michele will order a wireless barcode scanner from among the options available to speed Amazon scanning. The user will no longer need to type in the ISBN of each item.

Don said that our old books now go to Mission Valley and Scripps, Glen takes books to South Bay.

Anne asked about the flash drive with documents. Michele said that Sue Eubanks has it.

Librarian’s report:  Steve said that he did not have a funds balance report from last month as of yet. He did have some new requests for expenses. They include replacing the window film (anti-graffiti film) which is peeling. The cost is $1,027.00 which will be paid from matching funds.

The pumpkin decorating event went well. In November, the branch will host Cupcake Wars for children. The high estimate for supplies is $300.00.

Steve also requested $220.00 for a scavenger hunt in the library. Children will look for various categories or items. After they complete the hunt, they will receive a Pokemon button.

Steve estimates that holiday decorations will be up to $200.00.

The total for all requests is $720.00 which we approved.

Steve gave an update on the hiring process. Current interviews for library assistant 3 level will result in a new full-time employee at our branch. Level 1 and 2 interviews are next. After new placements, other employees may upgrade or move.

Our branch will be next for approval of volunteer positions within the library. Four branches have been approved already.

President’s report:

Old business:  Michele said that she will update the phone list for the bookstore.

New business: Special guest Judy Wenker spoke about the Mission Hills/Hillcrest Senior Village meetings. The goal is to help seniors stay in their homes by helping to provide access to services and information as well as social events. The next meeting is December 6 at 10 A.M. Judy requested a donation for entertainment of $75.00 to $100.00 which was approved.

Roundtable:  None.     

The meeting was adjourned at 11:27 A.M. The next meeting will be

November 20th.

Attendance: Steve Wheeler, Anne Box, Al Hoefer, Michele Pieters, Don Rudesill, Jean Stein, Susan Shenven, Nancy Carol Carter, Elaine Kalin, Holly Murten, Kim McDaniel, Yolie McLeland, Judy Winker and Pat Littell