2021 June Minutes

Minutes of the Friends of the Mission Hills-Hillcrest/ Knox Library

Special meeting of the board

June 19, 2021

The meeting was held in the meeting room of the Mission Hills/Knox Library. In attendance were Phyllis Marion, Steve Wheeler, Al Hoefer, Nancy Carol Carter, Michele Pieters, Elaine Kalin, Don Rudesill, Mary Rose Mueller and Pat Littell. The meeting was called to order at 6:27P.M. by Phyllis Marion, President.

Phyllis distributed copies of the Duties of the President. We need to elect a new president when Phyllis moves this August. The document makes clear what the office entails. We discussed the possibility of having co-presidents if necessary.

In later discussion Michele Peters agreed to contact those who have expressed interest in the position of president for a two year tern as well as those who are willing to do more, possibly as co-president.

Phyllis said that she needs to talk to Nancy Carol Carter about the bylaws. The new bylaws will require that officers be elected by the board and not by the members. If we have an August meeting, we can approve the new bylaws.

Phyllis has also spoken with Al Hoefer about putting documents on Google.

Bookstore: Michele Pieters said that the store is open but on a reduced schedule because we have lost 10 of our store volunteers for various reasons. We have too much inventory, so we will have a sale in the courtyard on Saturday, July 24th. Steve agreed to have indoor space available for light sensitive material. We agreed to run ads in the “Presidio Sentinel” and the “Uptown News” to publicize the sale.

University Heights is still not accepting any material. They have no storage space available.

Amazon sales are continuing to do very well.

Foundation News: Phyllis said that the Foundation is $58,000 short of meeting the million dollars for the city to match. After discussion of how much money Steve Wheeler will need for leased books, we decided to send $20,000. Our money will be matched when Steve needs it. Other chapters are also contributing to meet the goal.

Financials:    Don Rudesill presented the May report. We sold $768.64 through Amazon. The book carts and the book sale brought in $1,405.67. Interest income was $5.26. Total income was $2,179.57. Monthly expenses were $33.37. Our total in all accounts is $155,471.75.

Membership: Phyllis made a motion that members as of February, 2020 be considered members through 2021. The motion was approved unanimously.

Librarian’s report:  Steve reviewed the expenses that the branch has paid from matching funds. The Business Office advised him that he needs more money to be added to the materials fund. The money we authorized earlier will take care of this.

Steve said that Dr. Goltz contacted him about a donation of $1,000.00 for “staff morale.” Phyllis added that the branch manager asks for money from this fund as needed.

Steve asked for around $75.00 for a staff party around July 4th. The request was approved.   

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 P.M. The next members’ meeting will be July 10 at 10 A.M. in the meeting room.