2018 July Minutes

Minutes of the Friends of the Mission Hills-Hillcrest Branch Library

July 2, 2018

The meeting was held at the Mission Hills Branch Library.  The meeting was called to order at 6:23 P.M. by Phyllis Marion, President.  In attendance were Phyllis Marion, Robin Baker, Al Hoefer, Elaine Kalin, Don Rudesill, Jean Dresser, Leanna Selleck, Marian Day, Mary Rose Mueller, Michele Peters, Nancy Carol Carter, Frances Schroeder, Steve Wheeler and Pat Littell. Nancy Ganz was our guest.

Phyllis Marion provided information on her meeting with The Foundation.  In attendance at that meeting were Phyllis, Jay Hill, Don Rudesill and Nancy Carol Carter.  The Foundation wants to have ways to attract smaller donations in the Public Campaign.  To this end, and to reach the fundraising goal, The Foundation has hired a marketing firm to conduct the Campaign.  The only information that has been requested from us is contact information we have for donors.

In addition to these details, Phyllis said that we may be able to tour the new branch in the next few weeks.

The other main issue is a Foundation proposal that we allow the Foundation to do our administrative work, such as recording Friends memberships and sending newsletters.  This would be a trial collaboration.  Should it be used for all Friends groups, it might help those with smaller groups.  Phyllis will meet with Corporate to discuss this as well.

The idea is that it would start with the Campaign. Donors would receive a one- year Friends membership and would then be asked to renew.  From the donations and renewals, the Foundation would build a database.

This would not affect our other fundraising activities which provide the bulk of our income.

After discussion, we agreed to a one-year trial.

Special Guest: Natalie Ganz from the Foundation presented naming opportunities for the $225,000. 00 that we have provided already.  Natalie suggested that we not finalize our choices, but make a list of areas we are interested in.  This would allow outside donors to choose from among more areas.

With this in mind, we chose: the entry, the circulation desk, the children’s reference desk, and the large meeting room.  The Friends room is also an option if it is not chosen by an outside donor.

After Natalie left and we decided upon areas to consider, we continued the regular meeting.

Minutes: The minutes of the June meeting were approved after one correction.  The date of the annual Corporate meeting is September 8th, not August 1st.

Financials: Don Rudesill presented the financial report through June, 2018. The report was on a quarterly basis, so the items below are for April through June.  We asked to return to a monthly report in the future.

The total Amazon sales were $1806.10, book cart sales $1,550.99, and the book sale brought in $1,115,00.  Amazon shipping cost us $115.16, bottled water $526.67 and gifts to Programs were made in the amount of $729.71. Our balance in accounts is $163,883.25.

President’s Report: Phyllis asked that we vote on buying a brick for San Ysidro branch for $500.00.  All Friends groups are being asked to participate, and we should benefit from reciprocal donations when our branch opens.  We voted to approve.

Phyllis said that Corporate wants a nomination for the annual Volunteer Awards.  We voted to nominate Ruth Rudesill who prepares our Financial report in a most professional manner each month.

Phyllis discussed with Charlie Goldberg a way to recognize smaller donations to the Campaign. He will investigate.  They also discussed a less expensive way to add names to pavement for smaller donations, for example from students at Florence school.   

Membership:  No report. 

Librarian’s Report: Steve Wheeler reported that we received a donation of $500.00 from the Lion’s Club.  He will use it for large print books and materials for the visually impaired.

Upcoming programs will be: July 14th, Many Strings, a folk music group, July 21st, Philip Lipton, clarinetist, August 4th, a former Disney artist, and August 11th, Richard Lederer, well-known linguist and wordsmith.

The Summer Reading Program is going well.  This month is a special Where’s Waldo event with a different button at each branch.  Children can collect all of them.

The Fine free policy (no fines) on books returned within 60 days, began July 1st.

Website: Al Hoefer said that he is taking Word Press lessons and using the building site for the branch in the lessons.  We can view the results on the site.

Corporate Meeting:  No report.

Roundtable: Phyllis asked to have a meeting in August which we normally do not do.  We agreed to meet on August 2nd.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 P.M.