2022 June Minutes

Minutes of the Friends of the Mission Hills-Hillcrest/ Knox Library

June 18, 2022

Note: the next meeting will be at 10 A.M. NOT 11 A.M. The date remains July 16th.

The meeting was held in conference rooms at the Mission Hills-Hillcrest/Harley and Bessie Knox Library. The meeting was called to order at 11:00 A.M. In the emergency absence of the president, we agreed to conduct the meeting following the previously distributed agenda. An attendance list is at the end of the minutes.

Minutes: The minutes of the May 21st meeting were approved as submitted.

Programs: Steve Wheeler presented the future programs. Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will perform on June 20that 6:30P.M. followed by a Pride open mic. The event will be in the meeting room.

Lunch and Learn for seniors will be June 27th at noon, also in the meeting room.

On the 28th, at noon, the performance will be a concert of romantic guitars. The music will be Spanish and Latin.

Future events include presentations by the owners of The Mission Hills Nursery, on July 11th, and Dixie Hall on August 15th talking about the ice cream she makes for her shop.

Steve said that funding has already been approved for these performances.

Financials: Don Rudesill provided the May financial report. Bookstore sales were $893.00, Square sales in the store an additional $555.34, Amazon sales were $919.26 and book cart sales and any donations were $40.53. Memberships were $239.55 Including interest, total income was $2,652.09.

Expenses included Amazon shipping supplies for $135.26, and bookstore supplies of $25.07. Other expenses were program expenses for adults and children of $324.01. Total expenses were $857.97. Our totals in all accounts are $163,033.04.

Librarian’s report: Steve provided matching funds balances. The Materials fund has a balance of $26,797.87, Equipment and Supplies has $10,937.39, Performers and Contracts has $6,257.83 and the non-matched Trust Fund has a balance of $10,466.93.

Steve said that the city has raised the annual match by $200,000 in the new budget.

Expenses paid from matching funds were $3,523.91 for a new 3D printer. There have also been three paid performers for the Friday at 10 A.M. children’s programs.

Steve requested $3,000.00 for performers, laser cutter supplies of $100.00 and $200.00 for seeds for the seed library. He will also need $10.00 for bottled water for a poetry event in August and will eventually need $17,000 to renew the leased books. All requests were approved.

Steve reminded everyone that the Summer Reading Program runs through August 31st and is for all ages. Coupons to use in the bookstore will be given to those who complete the requirements.

Bookstore: Michele Pieters said that Square is doing very well with no problems. The computer that was repaired is working now, so we should be able to avoid buying a new one. Overflow books for Mission Valley will be picked up. Call Michelle when we have several boxes. Corporate may contact branches that may need books as well.

Michele also said that Susan Chenven is spearheading AbeBooks, which we will be using in addition to Amazon.

Website: Al Hoefer said that he and Chuck Leib tested Square on the website for members to join or renew memberships. It was successful, so now we can use the site for memberships.

Al has added “Get Involved” as an item on the site.

Chuck is creating a QR code for the site as well.

Al needed the tax ID number for donors which Michele provided.

Al has posted all of our programs, a calendar, and LGBT events for July.


Membership: No report. Chuck Leib was not in attendance.

Corporate Friends: The next meeting is July 9th at 10:30A.M.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 A.M.  The next meeting will be at 10:00 A.M., not 11:00 A.M. on July 16th.


Steve Wheeler, Michele Pieters, Al Hoefer, Mary Rose Mueller, Al Hoefer, Armin Kuhlman, Don Rudesill, Marcia Schulman, Kim McDaniel, Don Liddell, and Pat Littell