2021 October

All Discs, All Month

The Friends bookstore is featuring a blow-out on all discs:

CDs, DVDs and Audio Books are on sale at a severe discount.

Help Shape the Library’s Future

Library Master Plan Input

The Library Foundation is proud to partner with the Library, the Friends of the Library, and the Library Commission in developing a long-range vision and strategy for Library facility, technology, and program investments. You can help shape the Library Master Plan Framework document. Learn more about how you can participate in this important project below:

→ Download the Plan.
Provide your comments about the Plan.
→ Attend the second listening session on September 18 at 2 pm.
→ View a recording of the August 24 session.
Learn more about the Library Master Plan process.

We regret to announce the Library programming is canceled until further notice.


Branch Calendar at SDPLibrary site

Please click on the link above to look at the most up-to-date calendar for the branch including all the meetings in the Community Room.  You may have to select this branch when the link opens up.