2023 January

At the Library

–     Jan 14 Squid Dissection

Saturday, January 14 at 1:00pm

WI23-Squid Dissection-MH-Jan 14

Click here to register.

Select and confirm this library to get to registration page.


–     Jan 25 EcoLogik Workshop

Wednesday, January 25 at 3:30pm

EcoLogik Radio Telemetry 2023

Click here to register

Select and confirm this library to get to registration page.


–     Jan 28 Author Talk

Saturday, January 28 at 2:30pm

Elizabeth St John


–     Jan 31 Viola Concert

Tuesday, January 31 at 12:00pm

Concert - Diego Guerra


From Our Librarian


You’re invited to attend our free January events at the Mission Hills-Hillcrest/Knox Branch Library.  Note that all San Diego Public Library locations will be closed 12/31/22 through 01/02/23, as well as on 01/16/23.  In addition to our normal weekly storytimes, Tinker Tuesdays, LEGO Power Hours, etc., we’ll have the following special events:


      • 01/18 (Wed.), Noon: City College Presentation. Representatives from San Diego City College will speak about the college and its application process and then provide help with applying.
      • 01/28 (Sat.), 10:00 AM: Friends of the Library Meeting. Members of the Friends of the Mission Hills-Hillcrest Library or anyone interested in possibly joining the Friends may attend this monthly Board Meeting.
      • 01/28 (Sat.), 2:30 PM: Author Talk. Bestselling author Elizabeth St. John will discuss her latest historical novel, The Godmother’s Secret. Inspired by England’s most enduring historical mystery, the disappearance of the Princes in the Tower, this book tells the story of Elysabeth St. John Scrope, godmother to the eldest prince, Edward V.
      • 01/31 (Tues.), Noon: Lunchtime Concert. Join us for a concert by one or more faculty members from Villa Musica, a nonprofit music education organization.


      • 01/14 (Sat.), 1:00 PM: Squid Dissection. Things may get a little inky as kids in 3rd through 5th grade work together to dissect a real squid in this Library NExT program from UC San Diego Extension.  Registration is required.  Sign up on the library’s online calendar (you may have to select and confirm this branch first) or with library staff.
      • 01/20 (Fri.), 3:30 PM: Movie.  Kids and adults are invited to watch the movie Shrek on the big screen in the Community Room.
      • 01/25 (Wed.), 3:30 PM: Radio Telemetry Kids ages 9 through 15 can learn to use radio telemetry in this hands-on EcoLogik workshop.

I hope you’ll be able to make it to one or more events.

Happy New Year!



Future Programs

–     Feb 4 Presidential Trivia

Richard Lederer Presidential Trivia

–     Feb 11 Music of Paris

Adrienne Nims concert

–     Feb 18 Healthy Cooking Class

Healthy Cooking Class

–     Mar 4 Classical Indian Music

Indian Classical Music revised

–     Mar 13 Ancient Egyptian Art

Egyptian Art

–     Mar 20 Degenerate Art

Degenerate Art

–     Mar 27 Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton


Branch Calendar

January 2023 Calendar of Events

Please click here  to look at the most up-to-date calendar for the branch including all the meetings in the Community Room. 

You may have to select this branch when the link opens up.