2021 July

Book Sale Photos









A Letter from the president, Phyllis Marion

Dear Friends:

Let me begin by thanking you all for your continued support of the Friends and the MH-Hillcrest/Knox Library.  Many of you have begun your volunteer activities again and we appreciate your time and efforts.  Many of you have been vocal advocates for the SDPL during the budget hearings that just concluded.  It was a difficult budget year, but the library managed to escape most of the cuts initially proposed.

We have great news–the Branch is now allowed to have small group events in the Community Room!  This being the case, the Friends have two meetings planned.  Please look at the meeting notices for further information.

We are actively looking for candidates for the position of President (or Co-President) and for Program Chair.  The most important quality we’re looking for is desire to support the Branch and its resources and programs.  You don’t need a lot of previous experience with the Friends—just a willingness to learn on the job with the support of long-time Friends’ members and the other officers.  If you are interested, please contact at pmarion@cwsl.edu  and I will be glad to contact you about the open positions.

I’ll close on a personal note.  I will be stepping down as President of the Branch Friends as of the August 7 meeting, because I’m moving away from San Diego to up-state Washington to be closer to family.  Working with Friends over the past years has brought me great joy and satisfaction.  I am particularly proud of the work the Friends did over a period of more than 20 years to bring our new Branch facility to fruition.  I will miss the Friends, but my daughter has bet me that it will be “a week tops” before I find the nearest library, so who knows where that will lead.

Phyllis Marion, President

Book Sale This Month!

Mission Hills Hillcrest_Library Ad r1

Friends of the library meeting July 10, 2021

The first meeting of the Friends in over 20 months will be on Saturday, July 10, 2021 from 10 am until noon in the branch’s Community Room.

The agenda includes:

        • updates on SDPL plans for the coming year and on Branch activities
        • book sales reports, including those for the bookstore, the book carts, and on Amazon
        • discussion of Friends plans for the coming year (including by-laws revision).

We welcome your participation!


We regret to announce the Library programming is canceled until further notice.


Branch Calendar at SDPLibrary site

Please click on the link above to look at the most up-to-date calendar for the branch including all the meetings in the Community Room.  You may have to select this branch when the link opens up.