2024 May Minutes

Friends of the Mission Hills/Hillcrest Library

May 18, 2024

The meeting was held in meeting rooms of the Mission Hills/Hillcrest Harley and Bessie Knox Library. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 A.M. by Anne Box, President. An attendance list is at the end of the minutes.

Minutes: The minutes of the April 20, 2024, meeting were approved as submitted.

Financial: Anne Box reviewed the April financial report provided by Don Rudesill. Bookstore sales in cash were $908.55, Square credit card sales were $975.88, Amazon sales were $854.94, Abe sales were $43.28. Memberships were $14.77. The odd amount is due to the fee for a credit card sale. Interest income was $483.42 and donations were $21.00. Our total income for the month was $3,318.68

Expenses for the month included $1,000.00 to the McAllister Fund to provide scholarships. Other major expenses were $477.00 for ALA conference entrance fees, $5,190.00 for the Summer Reading Program, and $3,808.28 for a computer, which was previously approved. Our total expenses were $10,760.43.

Our total in all accounts at the end of April was $160,176.48. Our total at the end of the previous month was $167, 413.23.

Anne said that we closed one maturing CD and replaced it with one at 4.75 percent.

Anne also said that five employees have been nominated for McAllister scholarships to pay for attending library school.

Librarian’s report: Steve Wheeler reported that there will be new programs at the branch every Friday at 10:00 A.M. as a part of the Summer Reading Program. There will be prizes for the number of books completed as well as for activities. The program is for children as well as adults. Steve urged all to sign up. The prize for adults is a free book at the bookstore.

Steve provided upcoming program information:

May 18, Saturday, 11:30 A.M. Meet the Author. Susan Goldbeck will discuss her new historical novel “New Town: San Diego Comes of Age.”

Also on May 18, 2:30 P.M. Music of Southeast Asia presented by Bernard Ellorin.

May 22, Wednesday, Noon to six P.M. Vaccine Event. Free COVID, MPX and Flu vaccines.

May 25, Saturday, 3:15 P.M. The Literary Lens. This is a new book/film club to discuss and compare books and their film counterparts.

May 28, Tuesday, Noon, Violin and piano concert by Nico Hueso and Jim Guerin. This program is designed for seniors by Villa Musica.

June 1, Saturday, 2:30 to 3:30 P.M., Ethnic Studies at the Library, “Sundown Towns in the USA.” Presented by the Library Foundation.

June 3, Monday, 6:30 P.M., Author Talk, “But I Don’t Feel Empowered” presented by Suri Chan.

June 8, Saturday, 2:30 P.M., “From the Page to the Stage.” A Children’s Musical.

June 10, Monday, 6:30 P.M., “Talking About the Hard Stuff, Why We Need Authentic Perspectives on Mental Health in Fiction.”

Steve gave fund balance information: Contracts/Performers has a balance of $705.00, Equipment and Supplies has $4,450.00, Materials has $$18,653.73, Library Pool Distribution has $5,959,37. The total in all funds is $29,768.87. The unmatched Trust Fund has a balance of $10,466.93. The expected cost of a staff chair from this fund was paid for by the city instead.

Expenses were all for performers.

Steve requested $175.00 to kick off the Summer Reading Program. Anne approved the request.

Bookstore: Pat Littell asked Sue Eubanks to change the price list to show that sets of DVDs are $3.00 and up, not $3.00. We have had several sets with between five and ten disks recently, which we have priced above $3.00. Sue will revise the sign.

We will be selling Christmas books, DVDs and CDs at a Christmas in July sale to clear inventory. We may use the red cart that is outside.

Jean Stein asked Anne to remind all that the volunteer luncheon will be June 15 from 11:30 to 1:30 P.M. RSVP by Monday the 10th to Jean.

Steve said that all libraries except Central will be closed on Monday, July 1, to allow employees to attend the ALA Convention. All libraries will also be closed on Thursday, July 4.

Website: Al Hoefer said that he has rearranged the events area on the website for easier use.

Membership: There was no membership news. Chuck Leib said that at an LGBTQ Center event, Luminaries Lunch, one of the four recipients will be San Diego Librarians. The luncheon is June 27.

Roundtable: Steve said that the Pride Parade Grand Marshall will be Educators and Librarians. The parade will be on Saturday, July 20.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 A.M.

Attendance:  Anne Box, Steve Wheeler, Sue Eubanks, Al Hoefer, Mary Rose Mueller, Kim McDaniel, Chuck Lieb, Holly Murten, Elaine Kalin, Pat Littell

The next meeting will be June 15 at 10:00 A.M. before the luncheon.