
Bookstore Volunteers Needed!

We are in need of volunteers to staff the Bookstore so that it can be open as many hours as possible during the week.

Volunteers will work in two or three hour shifts.  We hope that we will have community members who are willing to work on a regular basis, but we welcome volunteers who can work some staggered shifts based on their schedules and our scheduling needs.

Volunteers will be in charge of book sales during their shifts and when not busy with sales, they will shelve new donations, remove books that have been on the shelves too long and generally keep the store tidy.  Ample training will be provided!  If a volunteer is interested, he or she might also be cross-trained to do other tasks related to book sales.

If you would like to volunteer, please send an email with your contact information to library92103@gmail.com.  The volunteer coordinator will contact you to discuss scheduling options. 

Amazon Book Sales

Do you have basic computer skills and are interested in helping us sell books on Amazon to raise funds to support the branch?  We are looking for someone to come to the branch on a weekly basis to help us sort through gift books to identify books that might be candidates for selling on Amazon, checking current items for sale on Amazon to see if they are worth listing, and helping with listing the items on Amazon if he/she is comfortable doing so.  If interested please email library92103@gmail.com .

Volunteering for the Branch

If you are interested in volunteering for the Branch, please contact the branch manager, Stephen Wheeler ( SJWheeler@sandiego.gov )  to discuss your interests.