2019 April Minutes

Minutes of the Friends of the Mission Hills-Hillcrest/Knox Library

April 3, 2019

The meeting was held in the meeting room at the Mission Hills-Hillcrest/Harley and Bessie Knox Library. The meeting was called to order at 6:33 P.M. by Phyllis Marion, President. An attendance list is at the end of the minutes.

Minutes: The minutes of the March meeting were approved as submitted.

Foundation Update: Charlie Goldberg was not in attendance. Phyllis said that the Foundation is working on recognition signage. Once it is agreed upon, the Friends must decide on the areas we are sponsoring. There will be a recommendation for a summer event to reveal the tiles and signage.

The mayor will present the city budget on April 12th. A three percent cut for libraries is expected to be presented.

The Foundation board of trustees completed interviews and should decide in a month or so on a replacement for Jay Hill.

Financials: Don Rudesill presented the financial report. During March, Amazon sales were $791.29 and bookstore sales $1,928.50. Total memberships were $255.00 and donations and gifts $1200.00. The Goltz Staff Development Fund was $1,000.00 of the $1200.00. Our expenses included Amazon shipping and supplies of $185.21, and bookstore supplies of $71.97. Our balance in all accounts is $166,855.66.

Membership:  Nancy Carol Carter said that there is one new life member. New life members will be allowed until the Foundation takes over membership efforts and record keeping.

Programs:  Christine Workman said that we will have a program on April 29th, Jazz for the Whole Family. The Volunteer lunch is scheduled for April 9th in the meeting room.

Website: Al Hoefer said everything is settled except for a few items and the calendar.

Corporate Meeting: Phyllis said that Misty Jones attended the meeting and spoke about new programs at the library and matching funds reporting. One new program is the issuance of a library card to all San Diego Unified students. The card limits the students to three items, provides access to all databases, has no fines or lost book fees, and will begin with fall enrollment. Los Angeles is already doing this and has not had unusual losses of material.

The new matching funds report will be a spreadsheet so that branches can see what is spent monthly and what can be accessed. There will be only one fund, not three.

Fundraising/Bookstore:  Phyllis said that so far, Friday and Saturday are the biggest sales days at the bookstore. Wednesday is the least busy, then Tuesday. Staffing is covered in the store.

Michele Pieters said that it is a challenge to view a bookstore schedule in real time at the moment. She is thinking of using a Google calendar for this. Michele also said that she has someone to help with Amazon scanning. We also need to categorize the CDs, and we need more social media.

Robin Baker brought a flyer for Panda Express. The company has a program to donate 20 percent of sales on a certain date for those who identify themselves with the organization receiving the donation. This would be for a future date.           

Librarian’s report: Gina Bravo said that she expects circulation to continue to climb. March results are not yet available.

In June, there will be a program presented by Donna Mapston. It is Hands on Science for Adults.

The LGBT icons from Oasis will be available in June.

A new donation box was finally approved and installed in the branch.

Gina gave her special thanks to Elaine Kagin, Mary Rose Mueller and Michele Pieters for their efforts.

Michele said that four-hour parking validations are now in the bookstore for volunteer use only.

President’s report:  

Old business:  The Friends name change is not official yet, but stationery has been mocked up.

New business: The volunteer lunch will be April 9th. Mary Rose and Elaine said that due to a total lack of supplies such as serving bowls, platters, and utensils, the budget needs to be revised. We approved a $400.00 total expenditure. Many of the items will be available for future events for staff and Friends, but they will not be available for other groups.

Roundtable: Nancy Carol Carter thanked Phyllis for her work on the bookstore which has resulted in a smoothly running operation.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:31 P.M.

The next meeting will be on May 1at 6:30 P.M. in the meeting room.


Attendance at April 3rd, 2019 Friends meeting:

Phyllis Marion, Gina Bravo, Robin Baker, Al Hoefer, Philip Detwiler, Michele Pieters, Alan Sparks, Elaine Kalin, Mary Rose Mueller, Don Rudesill, Nancy Carol Carter, Pat Littell, Marcia Schulman, Jean Stein, and Armin Kuhlman, Frances Schroeder, and Christine Workman