2019 June Minutes

Minutes of the Friends of the Mission Hills-Hillcrest/ Knox Library

June 5, 2019

The meeting was held in the meeting room at the Mission Hills-Hillcrest/Harley and Bessie Knox Library. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Phyllis Marion, President. An attendance list is at the end of the minutes.

Minutes: The minutes of the May meeting were approved with one spelling

Financials: Don Rudesill was not present. A partial report was submitted covering the period of May 1 through May 24. Amazon sales were $700.49, and bookstore sales $1,276.00. Phyllis said that and additional $300.00 was sold during the month in the bookstore, bringing the total to $1576.00. Our expenses included $79.54 for bookstore supplies, $102.45 for a gift to the children’s program. This was approved at the last meeting. We also spent $173.33 for the Goltz Staff Development.

Membership: No report.

Programs: Phyllis reported that the Community History Center will have four
programs at the branch, the first will be on the history of Mission Hills, Hillcrest
Banker’s Hill, Balboa Park and Old Town. We approved $700.00 for the four programs in total to include program costs and also refreshments. The events will be in October, November, January and February.

Website: Al Hoefer asked if we had a mission statement. Phyllis said that we have a purpose statement, but that we need to have a mission statement. Al needs a PDF Calendar of Events for the website. Gina Bravo will check with Rebecca Jang on this.

Corporate Meeting: Phyllis said that the Corporate Friends will have a booth at the end of the Pride Parade. Corporate will donate shirts for volunteers.
Corporate will give $30,000.00 for matching funds. It appears that the maximum match will be met this year.

The Corporate bi-laws are still in progress. A template is being revised and should be available next spring.

Phyllis reminded us that we need to nominate volunteers for awards at our July meeting. We can nominate up to four people.

Fundraising/Book sales: Michele Pieters said that we could not locate some
books posted for sale on Amazon. She is checking to see what happened so as not to jeopardize our ability to sell on Amazon. She reminded everyone not to take any books from the shelves in the back room of the bookstore.

August 9 is Book Lover’s Day and September 6 is National Read a Book Day. We discussed having special sales on those days. No decision was made.
Michele is suggesting August 17 for a six- month meeting to discuss progress and changes in the bookstore routines.

Charlie Goldberg said that the deadline for purchasing tiles and plaques is June 10.

There will be a match of funds provided by Laurie and Bill Walton until the 10th.

Fifty-eight have been sold so far. Installation is scheduled for Sundays in June and July. Late purchases will be installed later in July.

Charlie also said that the new Foundation head is Patrick Stewart.
On September 7, San Ysidro will open its new library and will have a book parade similar to our book pass event.

Charlie said that the Independent Budget Analyst recommended an additional
$300,000.00 for libraries. The breakdown was $100,000.00 on-going and
$200,000.00 this year.

Librarian’s report: Gina Bravo reported that 11,842 items circulated in April.
Today is the first day of the annual Summer Reading Program. There is also an
adult version which includes prizes. This year, the program started earlier than
usual and will continue until August 15.

Gina submitted a request for $200.00 for equipment for the new staff kitchen
which was approved.

Gina said that there will be a booth at the Pride Festival paid for through matching funds.

In the fall, there will be several programs. Gina may need to ask for additional
money for them.

President’s report: New business: Phyllis presented various option for the
wording and spacing for the Friends’ floor donor tile. After we chose one, we
chose the areas to sponsor with funds we committed during the funding campaign.

The areas will be the Friends bookstore, the main circulation desk, and a location in the Children’s Room. We also voted to approve a tile to honor Marcella Coolidge, a local resident who made a major donation to our Friends organization through her estate. The donation was received several years ago and has helped us to fund many projects. The cost of the tile is $1,000.00

Old business: None.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, July 3, at 6:30 P.M. in the meeting room.

Attendance at the June 5, 2019 Friends meeting:
Phyllis Marion, Gina Bravo, Robin Baker, Al Hoefer, Michele Pieters, Alan
Sparks, Pat Littell, Yolie McLeland, Charlie Goldberg